Magnum P.I. 2018 Season 5 Expectation | TV SHOW

After the threat of cancelation Magnum P.I. was thankfully greenlighted for another season. One more season of Magnum, Juliet, and the gang enjoying Hawaii and solving cases. NBC picking it up from CBS is the right choice with the show still having plenty of potential. It just needs a bit of a rejuvenation in it’s plot.

The show has had storylines that left the fans hanging. Not enough for viewers to turn their back on Magnum but enough to at least bother me. Given the deep lore of the show and the capabilities it has I think that given a new leash in life the show can inject back the excitement and continue with it’s wonderful world.

I love Magnum P.I. I’ve never watched the original but I do the 2018 reboot. I was one of the unhappy fans when the show was axed and I am extremally happy that it was picked up for it’s 5th season. I believe in the show and I can see that they still have plenty of stories to tell. Yes the kidnapping leading to some drug or yakuza involvement spiraling to a bigger case is rather over played but they just started hitting the right buttons in season 4. There is unresolved plot points and new dynamics after the ramifications of last season that it feels hollow end it on such a note.

For that reason I am glad that Magnum and Juliet are getting another go and this time we see them in a new chapter of their adventure.

What I wish to see this season in Magnum P.I. Season 5

1. The evolution between Juliet and Magnum
Last season we watched Juliet and Magnum realize their feelings for each other. Every other character has had a clue about their attraction towards each other but these two. Now that they’ve kissed and is dating I’d like to see their dynamic change and retain the witty banter that made us fans fall in love with them in the first place.

2. Hearing more about Robin Masters
We’ve been hearing about the elusive millionaire writer for 5 seasons but we haven’t had much involvement in him. I’d like him to be incorporated to the story more somehow. Maybe one of his book inspirations having a spy connection that leads to the gang’s next adventure. The man brought Juliet and Magnum together he deserves more spotlight even if he continues to be a mystery figure. We don’t need to see him we just need him involved more or at least his books that seems to be so popular he is able to finance such a lavish lifestyle that Magnum can leech from!

3. The White Knight Storyline
A few seasons back someone was trailing Magnum and is interested in him namely dropping clues about him being the White Knight. I would love to hear more about that. His heroism during his active years along with the revisitation of this storyline. The spy angle is enticing to me and although we’ve seen spies in Juliet’s former life coming back to bite her every now and then I’d really like it to focus on Magnum.

4. Detective Gordon Katsumoto getting spotlight
Aside from last seasons finale where we saw his ex-wife there is too many things about this noble character we have yet to explore. After getting fired from the police force there is just so much place for him to go. I’m interested in knowing more about his character. Get to know him on a deeper level. Not just surface level. Who is Gordon Katsumoto?

The second episode of this season has aired and it is giving me what I need! It has a long-term story line seemingly focusing in Magnus, TC, and Rick’s time as a Black Ops Unity. It’s giving me shivers! I can’t wait for more episode this season!

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My name is Kiks. I live in the Philippines. I enjoy reading, watching movies and television shows, and playing games with my friends. I also like anime but don’t watch it often anymore. I watch everything from K-drama to Teleserye. I even watch some Lakorn and Telenovelas that you might see some of those discussed here from time to time. As a child I wanted to be a book editor, a mortician or a wrestling referee. Nowadays I preoccupy myself with my dogs and finding a permanent job.

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