Spencer Sisters There is Something Missing | TV Landscape

I’ve spoken about the new show Spencer Sister in the past. I said I was interested and excited for a female lead detective show that will be humorous. With the cancelation of NCIS Los Angeles I felt the need to bridge that gap. Truthfully my desire to watch the latest season of NCIS Los Angeles is non-existent. I miss Hetty, Nel, and Eric. They were the people that softened the intense action for me giving it humor. I know Deeks and G are still funny but it’s different so I had high hopes for Spencer Sisters when I first saw it but now I fear for it.

The first episode was alright. It was establishing Darby and Victoria. Their bond and their life together. The next episode in my eyes should see the complexity of their world. What we should expect from the two of them. Now that it’s episode three I’ve feel a bit lukewarm towards the show feeling disconnected. The jokes are not funny. The disconnect between Darby and Victoria doesn’t help. Darby seems petulant and petty while her mother doesn’t show any redemption even though it seems to be her characters goal. What their drive? They’ve spoken about Darby wanting to be a cop because of her father but she seems to be doing it for surface level while Victoria just wants to have her midlife adventure now that she can no longer deliver as an author.

The show should be lighthearted and fun. It should have relatability in their mother-daughter bond but it doesn’t. The fact that Victoria wants to be sisters rather than her daughter’s mother also irks me for some reason. Wasn’t her goal in keeping Darby to bond with her and not to have a gal pal to run around with? Isn’t the goal to get to know her daughter after realizing she closed herself off when her husband died?

The stakes too are low in the story. Others have depth into their cases. There is a sense of danger in it which is part of the charm but Spencer Sisters doesn’t have that. It doesn’t have any stake into it. They are just mother-daughter duo seemingly ill equipped to handle the task doing this for fun! What happens if a gun wielding man comes at them? They haven’t showed us that Darby is capable of protecting her and her mom.

In Psych Shawn and Gus had Juliet and Lassiter to work with. Two people in law enforcement to protect them from harm. It helps navigate the danger and give a witty banter between the two sides where in here Darby’s friend cop who barely gets any in debt screen time is a mystery. Other than being in a gay relationship and Darby’s friend we know nothing about Zane. Why is he loyal to Darby and Victoria?

There was a cop character that was showed in episode two. Zane’s superior but he is portrayed to be a nincompoop who can’t do his job properly. Not only that but it emasculates the police force unnecessarily.

If the show wants to last another season I hope that the next episode establishes more of what they can do as PI’s. Give more stake into their cases or at least make the comedic entertainment hit. I would love for this show to succeed and so I hope for the best.

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My name is Kiks. I live in the Philippines. I enjoy reading, watching movies and television shows, and playing games with my friends. I also like anime but don’t watch it often anymore. I watch everything from K-drama to Teleserye. I even watch some Lakorn and Telenovelas that you might see some of those discussed here from time to time. As a child I wanted to be a book editor, a mortician or a wrestling referee. Nowadays I preoccupy myself with my dogs and finding a permanent job.

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